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April Book Roundup 📚

I was thankfully able to read more than I did in March. April was still quite a bumpy month for me, but I pushed through more books this time around. I'm trying my hardest not to equate accomplishment with the amount of books I get through, but it's proving to be difficult. I get such a sense of pride from reading as much as I can in the space of a month. In many regards, I suppose that could mean anything from one book to a hundred books, depending on the circumstances. I just need to get that into my head.

Books Read: 5

⭐ Average: 3.6

I had a five star read this month! The Diary of Anne Frank struck me in a way very few books have done. I believe it is an essential read for everyone as it provides a deeper understanding of the experience of Jewish people during the second world war and the thoughts that this child had while going through one of the most traumatic events a child could go through. Yet she still had such wisdom and an outlook on life very few of us could claim to have if we were going through the same. Reaching "Anne's Diary Ends Here" really cuts you deep, particularly because my copy of the book gives insight into what happened to her and the rest of the secret annexe residents after.

I was so struck by this book that I have a trip to Amsterdam planned for June in order to visit the Anne Frank Museum. I'm hoping this will give me an even deeper understanding, adding to the experience I had while reading her diary.

"It's a wonder I haven't abandoned my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe that, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."

I also read some poetry this month, the books in question being Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur and Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell. I definitely enjoyed the latter more than the former, but honestly I don't believe poetry is for me. Or, at least, I haven't found a poet that has truly stuck with me just yet.

Another book I read was one that I hadn't planned to read just yet but was definitely on my TBR. Verity by Colleen Hoover showed up in the charity shop I volunteer at and I couldn't resist picking it up. I mean, come on, a pound for a book! You'd do it too! Verity was a very hyped up, and had a promised brutal twist, but unfortunately I was left dissatisfied once I finished. More detail can be found on my Goodreads profile (can be found via link at the bottom).

Finally, I finished the audio book Doctor Who: Jubilee by Robert Shearman. This sixth Doctor story inspired the episode "Dalek" from Series 1 of the rebooted show in 2005, once again written by Shearman. I was promised a five out of five reading experience but I found the ending of Jubilee got the tiniest bit ridiculous. In the end, I viewed it as more of a three star read. Still fantastic, just not perfect and amazing and stunning etc. that I believe would inspire a five star review.

Anywho, those are my April 2022 reads! Big improvement from last month for sure with higher quality reads. A total plus ♥️

Keep creating,

Erin Curran



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