March Book Roundup 📖
Hi there!
Unfortunately, I didn't get a whole lot of reading done in March. Between stomach flu and a family bereavement, I haven't had a great time of it this past month. Books and reading in general have just been the last thing on my mind.
On a more positive note, I finished the first draft of my WIP. Getting that typed up and edited has also consumed a great deal of my time this month. I'm getting closer and closer! Completion is within reach!
The two books I got read in March were The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner and A Slip of The Keyboard by the late Terry Pratchett. Sir Pratchett's collection of essays stood out to me, especially the latter parts where he addresses the topic of assisted dying, a topic he was extremely passionate about since his diagnosis of Post Cortial Alzheimers in 2009. Like previously mentioned, my family experienced a bereavement this month, and Sir Pratchett's views on AD definitely made me think about unnecessary suffering and deciding how you want to go on your own terms. I'd definitely recommend picking up A Slip of The Keyboard.
Books read: 2
⭐ Average: 3.5
I've hit the ground running by devouring the first hundred pages of The Diary of Anne Frank just today, and I'm in the process of listening to Doctor Who: Jubilee by Robert Shearman on Spotify. I did set myself the resolution of not focusing too hard on numbers this year, but I can't help the sense of accomplishment I get when I've done a lot of reading. I'm just trying not to put pressure on myself for the sake of hitting a quota. As in most cases, the quality is much more important than the quantity.
Keep Creating,
Erin Curran 📖
