World Book Day 2022 📖
Happy World Book Day!
Before the pandemic hit, I was able to visit my old High School and do talks about the importance of books, reading and my writing. I hope to be able to do that again in future but for now I'm content spreading the good news here on my socials!
Big shout to The Hunger Games, as always, for being the books that ignited my desire to read and put me on the path I've been on since. Ten years ago in May, it hardly bears thinking about! 😂
I have to shout my own novel The Seven as well. Finishing my first draft for my next novel the other day has rejuvenated my pride in my work. Exciting things are on the way!
If you get a visit from the scholastic travelling library today please take a moment to bask in it for me. You won't believe how much you'll miss it when you're an adult 📖
Keep creating,
Erin Curran
