Towel Day! 📚
"In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and was widely regarded as a bad move." May 25th is...

The Transfer Trilogy
I have and always will credit my sister Alana Curran for being the inspiration and driving force behind my desire to write. I found her...

Another published piece!
I wrote a sort piece for Northern Ireland Craic about my history of writing and the publication of my debut novel, The Seven. I also...

Full Circle ⭕
It's amazing how I could go from writing this for Mr Martin as a leavers gift to thanking him in the acknowledgements of my first book...

LGBT Awareness Week
It's LGBT awareness week in Belfast this week, so I had to post about my boys Matthew and Finn. If you know, you know, and if you don't...

Okay, so....
Alana and I took this photo the day we went up to the Monastery to take my author photos back in June of 2018. I've been posting a lot...

Whoa, hey, that's me again!
If you're in the Northern Ireland area, you can check out this week's Down Recorder for the interview I did with Joanne Sweeney about my...

It's official!
I'm now Waterstones official! Never did I ever imagine in my wildest dreams that I would be on the same shelf as The Hunger Games! I'm...

The first review is in!
Thank you so much Teresa Martin! ❤️ Remember if you enjoyed my book to leave a review! Even if you didn't enjoy it, please leave a review...

Check this out!
I met with Jim Masson this morning to do an interview about my book. Do check it out! The article can be read via this link or on...