From Here to Now
I posted this teaser to my personal profile back in December with an ambiguous "soon" theme. Now that it's been revealed what this promo was for I would like to talk about it a bit.
During my media course in 2016-17, I took a range of photos of my best friend Niamh for both my photography and graphic design courses. My inspiration for my work was my novel, The Seven, which I had been writing for about a year by that point. I loved where my book was going, even when it was still only a work in progress, and thus my passion oozed into the work that I did for my course. I was able to weaponise my writing skills to create projects beyond the book itself.
I never imagined that I would get the opportunity to use the photos I took in real promos for my book and not just for coursework. I never truly believed that I would be where I am now. But I am here, and it feels awesome.

P.S I got a Distinction* for my coursework.