Hard Work Pays Off ❤️
While I was stuck at home in my cast, I had to stay active in some way or I was going to lose my mind. Sitting in a chair with nowhere to go is mind bending and staying occupied is the only thing that stops you from tearing your hair out. So I read and I coloured and I finished a few TV shows I never got round to.
And I worked on my books. I got in contact with some amazing people who helped me make The Seven available in paperback so it could be bought physically as well as digitally. Then I dove into editing Monday to also make it ready for paperback publication as well. It kept me busy during a difficult time in my life and it's a joy to finally be able to hold the final product of both in my hands. And just in time for Christmas! 🎄
I wanted to thank everyone who has been part of my writing journey this year. Particularly Maria Spada design for their collaborative work on the paperbacks, and Larienne and myweirdartstuff on Instagram for their beautiful artwork. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You can get copies of The Seven and Monday through the links below:
The Seven: mybook.to/thesevenwoodenedition
Monday: mybook.to/mondayerincurran
