Look What You Made Me Do 🎵
To celebrate the release of The Tortured Poet's Department on April 19th, I have spent the last week assigning lyrics from Taylor Swift songs to each member of The Seven. Seven characters, seven songs. Each post can be found individually on my Threads profile, but I've also combined them here into one master post for easy access.
First we had Monday, which belongs to Matthew, Monday's Child. His lyrics came from "Mastermind" from the album Midnights.

Tuesday Child is Titus, and his lyrics came from "Long Story Short" from the album Evermore.

Day three was Whitney, Wednesday's Child. Her song was "Blank Space" from the album 1989.

We all know who Thursday is, and her lyrics are from "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?" from The Tortured Poet's Department.

The fifth day of the week is Finn, Friday's Child, and his lyrics came from "Cardigan" from the album Folklore.

The penultimate day of the week is for Sybil, Saturday's Child. Her lyrics came from "Marjorie" from the album Evermore.

It's debatable whether the best was saved for last, but the final day of the week is Sawyer, Sunday's Child. His song is "Would've, Could've, Should've" from the album Midnights.

This was a fun little project to do over the past week! It also opens up the possibility of putting together a playlist for The Seven in the future. I definitely remember assigning certain songs to each character (not just Taylor Swift ones) during my planning stages in 2016, but I'd need to dig out my old notebooks to find what those songs were. I remember some, but not all of them. That doesn't mean new songs can't be added, though! I guess we'll have to see!
The Seven: Wooden Edition is available on Kindle and free on Kindle Unlimited. Check it out today, and let me know if you agree with the lyrics I've assigned! Even better, let me know if you know of ones that fit better!
Keep creating,