Hey, where have I been?
It has been a hot minute since I posted anything to this blog. I think the reason for why is pretty obvious. Covid-19 has taken a piece...

Young Writers
The Seven was not my first rodeo, my friends. In both Primary School and High School my poems were published in a collection by Young...

Another Review, So Soon?!
This was unplanned, but I ended up reading Volume One of Sunstone by Stjepan Sejic today while I was unwell. My thoughts can be found on...

Book Reviews on Goodreads
I've started reviewing books on my Goodreads profile. So far I've reviewed Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky and Aristotle and Dante...

Buy one, Get One Half Price
My friend Alec sent this to me yesterday. The Seven in Waterstones as part of a Buy One, Get One Half Price deal! #writing #books #author...

The National Collection of Northern Ireland Publications
I recently donated a copy of The Seven to the NIPR (The National Collection of Northern Ireland Publications), so my work is now...

Thursday's Glow
Fun fact! Thursday's Glow in The Seven was inspired by a superpower you can gain in the game Infamous: Second Son by Suckerpunch Games...

Thank you!
A massive thank you is in order for the 100+ likes and follows for my author page on Facebook! Everyone's support of me and my writing...

I celebrated my 21st birthday today at Belfast Pride. I have achieved so much this year and I'm incredibly grateful for the amazing...

Worldwide Links!
In a different country and wish to purchase The Seven? I've got you covered! US: https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Erin-Curran-ebook/dp/B07TS8...